
Howard Run Club has about 65 student participants and we meet on Thursdays and Fridays when school is in session. We run 2-3 miles each day if the feel like temperature is above 40 and when we're inside we run, do BeachBody on Demand videos or other physical activities. 

$0.00 donated
$1,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on February 28, 2018 Campaign ended on February 28, 2018

Our run club students train to run the GIPS Fun Run (1 mile or 5K) in May. We would like to have students participate in other running events in our community such as Race for Grace (April 8, 2018), Trinity Lutheran Color Run (late April 2018), and Glow 4 Gabby (June 2, 2018). Our students come from poverty homes; therefore, they do not also have appropriate/supportive running shoes. 

If a student participates in all of the above running events it will cost about $200 per student; therefore, we are asking for your support to raise $1,000 for the entry fees and new shoes for our students to participate in the additional community running events. 

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