Give Grand Island Senior High Annual Campaign

Give Grand Island Senior High Annual Campaign

$0.00 donated
$10,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 25, 2017 Campaign ended on May 25, 2017

Your gift to the Give Grand Island Senior High annual campaign will help our school give children educational experiences that are not part of the general budget.  When you Give Grand Island Senior High you give field trips, visiting authors, artists, and speakers.  You give character lessons, art supplies, and new technology.  When you Give Grand Island Senior High you give opportunity.

Give Opportunity!

Your donation of any size will help us invest in unique experiences for our students.  Thank you for Giving Grand Island Senior High, and giving opportunity!

Gifts to the Give Grand Island Senior High annual campaign are unrestricted in nature to allow for the most impact.  Gifts may also be given offline.  Checks can be made out to the GIPS Foundation – Give Grand Island Senior High Campaign.  Send checks to:  GIPS Foundation, PO Box 4904, Grand Island, NE 68802

Gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

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