Help Promote Walnut Wildcat Pride!

Walnut Middle School and the Parent Advisory Committee are raising money to build a marquee sign at the Custer Street entrance of Walnut Middle School!  It will display communication and share pride in our staff and students for all of the Grand Island community to see!  Our goal is $30,000 and we have already raised over $15,000. 

Now we need your help....anything is welcome! 

$594.40 donated
$15,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 31, 2019 Campaign ended on May 31, 2019

Please consider donating anything you can to support our fundraising efforts.  Walnut Middle School has a dynamic Parent Advisory Group and they have shared the need to construct a marquee sign for our building for several years.  It is finally becoming a reality!  This sign will increase communication with all of our stakeholders and also allow Walnut Middle School to show pride in the amazing things are staff and students are doing every day!  You can donate directly on this EdBacker site or you may bring donations directly to Walnut Middle School.   Go Wildcats!

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Elizabeth Boyle

I am proud to teach at Walnut!

2477 days ago
Eric Enholm

Given information by Mark Bixenman

2503 days ago
Cyndee Mann

I taught at Walnut for 15 years. Walnut will always hold a very special place in my heart. Go Wildcats!!

2516 days ago
Mark Bixenamann

In memoriam of Doris Hatfield (my mother) who was a Walnut student in the 1930's! Go Walnut Wildcats!

2517 days ago
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