Help send our performers to Hershey PA

Your donation will provide the support for our music students to participate in the annual Music Festival in Hershey, PA on May 6, 2016.

$615.00 donated
$3,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 31, 2016 Campaign ended on March 31, 2016

Hershey Music Festival provides a music learning event

The HIgh Note Festical in Hershey, PA gives Kenmore music students a chance participate in a  "Fun-Filled, One Day Music Learning Event." At the event the students will have the chance to perform for judges and compete against musical groups from other area schools.  We want to give all of the music students a chance to go to Hershey, and currently there are families who cannot afford the cost for their child to participate.  

Your donation will help fund:

  • A portion of the cost of the music festival
  • A portion of the cost of the transportation
  • A per child cost for families that cannot provide the funds

The project will help all the music students by:

  • Setting a clear goal by working towards a high level of performance
  • Helping them learn teamwork
  • Helping the kids strenghthen relationships and build confidence
  • Giving the students an opportunity to represent their school with pride

Your support through the campaign will help us reach our total goal of $6,500, which will ensure that all music students can enjoy this opportunity.  

Please share this campaign with as many people as you can through e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and other social media!

Who we are:
Kenmore Middle School in Arlington Virginia, teaches the curriculum through arts and communications technology. Kenmore is proud to be entering its 18th year with an arts focused program that includes a longstanding partnership with the Kennedy Center. Dance is a core part of the Kenmore experience for many students and offers and option for those students that are not involved in other sports to be part of a team working towards a goal. Kenmore is an extraordinarily diverse school with no race in the majority.

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Timothy Schimpp
3230 days ago
William Brakefield
3354 days ago
Edbacker Fund
3354 days ago
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