National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, CA. June 27th - July 3rd

Help support Career Pathways Institute's FBLA chapter in their journey to the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California this summer!

Twelve students from Grand Island will be competiting at the National Level  in Coding and Programming, Management Information Systems, Computer Game and Simulation Programming, Cyber Security, Help Desk, Network Design and Network Concepts

$75.00 donated
$3,400.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 16, 2017 Campaign ended on June 16, 2017

The goal is to find monetary support to send members to California to participate in this years national FBLA conference. These bright students excelled at the Nebraska State Leadership Conference in April. Many of them placed in the top three of their event and qualified for nationals, with three being state champions! 

All these students have a passion for technology and want to continue that passion in a career or at college. With your support, we hope to send these Grand Island students to nationals to represent Nebraska.

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$75 Donation
2857 days ago
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