Preschool Play Equipment

Early Learning Center would like to purchase more gross motor equipment for our playground and gym.  These materials will allow our students to utilize and develop age appropriate gross motor skills.

$11.30 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 15, 2017 Campaign ended on June 15, 2017

The Early Learning Center is the preschool location for Grand Island Public Schools.  Approximately 350 students will utilize this gross motor equipment when school is in session.  We are fortunate to have a large playground and a gym to provide adequate space to play.  However, play equipment does not facilitate gross motor skills as much as we would like.  That's why we are asking for your help!  We need about $2,000 to purchase some "obstacle course" equipment like a tunnel with extension and a rock climber.  We'd also like to purchase some equipment for scooters including the scooters themselves, paint for a bike path, and road signs to encouarge literacy during gross motor time as well.  Although we already have kickballs we would like to purchase some soccer balls (and goals), footballs, and basketballs too!

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To show my support for Early Childhood in Grand Island!

2831 days ago
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