Westridge Cougar Speech Team

Help our hard-working speech students attend competitions, buy materials and scripts, and expand their horizons through their varied speech experiences!

Speech is a great activity that promotes not only public speaking skills, but also positive competition skills, professionalism, and overall confidence. At meets, students learn to take and utilize constructive criticism, meet new friends, and begin to develop professional skills that will carry them through the rest of their lives, all while showing off their individual creativitiy through their selected pieces and performances!

We very much appreciate your support of this exciting program. Thank you!

$0.00 donated
$1,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 28, 2017 Campaign ended on April 28, 2017

The Westridge Middle School Speech Team needs your help! There is a growing demand at our school for afterschool programs. Please help us meet this demand by making a donation. Your donation can help students expand their experiences.

Afterschool programs such as competitive speech team can be transformative.  They will benefit our students at Westridge Middle School by:

  • Giving them a safe enviroment to experiment with their opinions, beliefs, and speech skills

  • Providing engaging academic and personal enrichment opportunities

  • Providing socialization and creativity

  • Increasing student interest in school

Your support will go directly to help support our students and their enriched experience as part of an academic team.

Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to help us reach our goal

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