WHS Class of '89 $30K for 30th Reunion

30 years ago (!), we left Wheeling High School after having an amazing experience and receiving a great education.

Now it’s time for us to help launch the future for the next generation of Wildcats.

Class of ’89, we are asking for your help to raise $30,000 in time for our 30th reunion! This will allow us to fund an endowment in perpetuity, which will give back to generations of Wildcats to come. Funds will be used to provide students with financial need-based Advanced Placement test scholarships and to help students in need cover extracurricular costs including fees, travel costs and supplies to participate in student group activities.

We are already well on our way to our goal.

Make your pledge today!

$2,002.73 donated
$300,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 30, 2019 Campaign ended on November 30, 2019

Thanks to an incredible group of teachers, staff and peers, we had a terrific experience as students at Wheeling High School. In recognition of this, and to give back to current Wildcats and generations of Wildcats to come, we are establishing a Class of ’89 Endowment.

The WHS Class of ’89 Endowment will be used at the discretion of the WHS principal and staff to support students with significant financial need, covering costs associated with:

  • Advanced Placement Test Fees
  • Extracurricular/Co-curricular Costs, including:
    • Travel with student groups (e.g. athletics, drama, music, clubs)
    • Fees and supplies necessary to participate in group activities

To establish our endowment, we need to raise $30,000 minimum over five years. An endowment of this size will provide approximately $1,500 every year that can be used to help WHS students. The Class of ’89 had more than 425 graduates; if each graduate pledges just $20 a year for 5 years (less than $2 per month!), we will more than exceed our goal. It would be amazing if we could announce contributions and pledges of a least $30K to establish this endowment at our 30th Reunion at Homecoming on October 12!

You can donate a one-time amount here, or contact the District 214 Education Foundation directly to make a pledge: foundation@d214.org or (847) 718-7808.

Don’t hesitate - please make your contribution today! Go Wheeling Wildcats!





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