Lori Wadsworth

  • District Approved

    Goal Tender t-shirts and spiri...

    Goal Tenders are selling T-shirts and spirit items.  Your purchase helps support our program.  Pleas...
  • District Approved

    Goal Tenders headed to Califor...

    Help support the Goal Tenders as they head to California in March.  GTs will be selling t-shirts to help...
  • District Approved

    MHS Goal Tenders Poinsettia Fu...

    MHS Goal Tenders will be selling POINSETTIAS October 7-24, 2019.  All funds raised will help with Spring...
  • District Approved

    Pancake Breakfast

    Midway Goal Tenders will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast to earn funds for a spring trip to California.
  • Child ID: 10884