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Become a member of the [School Name] PTA and help enrich your child's education!

$3,489.63 donated
$1,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 26, 2023 Campaign ended on January 26, 2023
Campaign | Leaderboard



Membership in the "PTA" comes with many rewarding benefits.  You can be more involved in the decisions made at school, and through volunteering and fundraising, you can contribute to the success of many projects that enrich your child's education - from providing new technology to supporting professional development for our teachers.


Last year alone, the PTA supported many important needs at School X such as: (edit/add accordingly)

  • musical instruments for band/orchestr

  • physical education equipment 

  • books for the library

  • extra stipends for teacher training


Membership not only involves you in the school, helps support needs, but also comes with benefits at the national level, including discounts at retailers such as Hertz and Staples.  Your savings during your year- long membership can be even greater than the membership dues.  To sign up for discounts, visit the national PTA at PTA Benefits.


For only $ __, you can become a member now!  


You can also choose to donate more to help provide additional support for the important projects that are supported by the PTA.   


Membership in the "PTA" comes with many rewarding benefits.  You can be more involved in the decisions made at school, and through volunteering and fundraising, you can contribute to the success of many projects that enrich your child's education - from providing new technology to supporting professional development for our teachers.


Last year alone, the PTA supported many important needs at School X such as: (edit/add accordingly)

  • musical instruments for band/orchestra

  • physical education equipment 

  • books for the library

  • extra stipends for teacher training


Membership not only involves you in the school, helps support needs, but also comes with benefits at the national level, including discounts at retailers such as Hertz and Staples.  Your savings during your year- long membership can be even greater than the membership dues.  To sign up for discounts, visit the national PTA at PTA Benefits.


For only $ __, you can become a member now!  


You can also choose to donate more to help provide additional support for the important projects that are supported by the PTA.   


Membership in the "PTA" comes with many rewarding benefits.  You can be more involved in the decisions made at school, and through volunteering and fundraising, you can contribute to the success of many projects that enrich your child's education - from providing new technology to supporting professional development for our teachers.


Last year alone, the PTA supported many important needs at School X such as: (edit/add accordingly)

  • musical instruments for band/orchestra

  • physical education equipment 

  • books for the library

  • extra stipends for teacher training


Membership not only involves you in the school, helps support needs, but also comes with benefits at the national level, including discounts at retailers such as Hertz and Staples.  Your savings during your year- long membership can be even greater than the membership dues.  To sign up for discounts, visit the national PTA at PTA Benefits.


For only $ __, you can become a member now!  


You can also choose to donate more to help provide additional support for the important projects that are supported by the PTA.   

Group 1 $350.63
Group 2 $227.34
Group 3 $118.53
Created By
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$1134.68 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (21)
shree hs
980 days ago
shree hs
980 days ago
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980 days ago
John Doe
980 days ago
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980 days ago
John Doe
982 days ago
John Doe
982 days ago
John Doe
982 days ago
shree hs
982 days ago
John Doe
982 days ago
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