The Skyhawks Color Guard entertains audiences in the fall during football halftimes, in school pep assemblies, and at various school functions. In the winter, we perform in competitions hosted by the Midwest Color Guard Circuit and Winter Guard International. Our teams also perform at basketball halftimes, the annual Amy Rudolph Tournament, and in pep assemblies. Along with our marching band, we represented HEHS by performing in the Hoffman Estates community Fourth of July parade.
Donations will allow us to continue to offer a high-quality experience for our students. Specifically, contributions will help fund expert choreography, dance, and equipment instruction; nutritional snacks during extended practices and occasional meals; props and supplies for winter guard productions; professional photo rights for families; practice time at Regionals and Championships; entry fees for JV assistants at Championships; mementos; etc.
Last year our Varsity Winter Guard proudly earned bronze medals in Scholastic A class competition at the Midwest Color Guard Championships and were finalists at the Winter Guard International Regional!
Donations are tax deductible! Our district's Tax Identification Number is 36-6004403
to support my granddaughter
Charlotte love what is does, and if this donation ables her to continue to shiny. I’m all for it.
Proud of the Hoffman Estates Skyhawks!!!
We like to support the wonderful school activity. You can see how hard the girls work and enjoy the Winter Guard program.
Go Skyhawks!
So proud of Charlotte, want to watch her flourish and support her growth. Girl Power!!