Let's Take Learning Outside! - The Outdoor School

LET'S TAKE LEARNING OUTSIDE! My students need help raising money to attend a 3 day, 2 night trip to The Outdoor School in Marble Falls, Texas.

$1,880.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 04, 2020 Campaign ended on March 04, 2020

My Students

I am a teacher who is passionate about education and wants the best for my students. The enriching learning experiences I strive to provide for my students goes beyond what happens within the walls of my classroom. Field trips create learning through life experiences that will never be forgotten.

Together, we teach 50 students who come from diverse cultures and disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds.

Our students have been limited in their learning experiences by what we can provide in the classroom. We are a Title 1 school, which means the majority of our students come from lower income families. Over 90% of our students qualify for the free or reduced lunch program, and many of our students are learning English as a second language. Our students are excited about learning, but many have had limited life and educational experiences outside of the traditional classroom. Most have never had enriching experiences like summer camps, travel opportunities, and exposure to nature.

My Project

The Outdoor School is a place where kids can see, hear, touch, smell, even taste nature. A place where they can learn about themselves, their natural environment and their peers while participating in fun and educational outdoor activities. Through team building exercises our students will work on their trust, communication, listening and leadership skills, strategic planning, cooperation and sharing of ideas with each other. The activities this program offers puts kids outside of their comfort zone, but in a way that is safe to take risks. This will help our students grow by facing challenges, overcoming their fears and doing things they never imagined they would! While at the Outdoor School, students will be taking academic classes that will reinforce what we are teaching in the classroom in Science, Math, and Language Arts. They will be journaling about nature, studying wildlife, practicing geometry, and learning outdoor skills like kayaking and archery!

For most of our students, being able to pick out their bunk, seeing the stars at night, or even roasting a marshmallow over a campfire will be a first time experience.

We have taken our students here the past few years, and the trips have been a total success. With your help we can continue to make this a tradition they will never forget!

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Lisa & Fred Toth
Fatima Smith

I get to give because those students deserve to go!

Margaret Smith
Jack Hines Jr

Good cause.

Kami Wilt
Allison Eden
Margaret Smith

Have supported this for the last few years. A wonderful program.

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