Memorial for Bryson Morrison

The Class of 1992 is collecting donations through CEF to honor classmate Bryson Morrison.  The donations will be used to purchase a bench, similar to the one pictured, with his name for the new Corsicana Middle School.

$725.00 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 30, 2018 Campaign ended on March 30, 2018

The Class of 1992 is collecting donations through CEF to honor classmate Bryson Morrison.  The donations will be used to purchase a bench, similar to the one pictured, with his name for the new Corsicana Middle School. 

Please include your name and any information you'd like CEF to share with the family.

If you prefer to donate by cash or check, please mail to CEF, P.O. Box 96, Corsicana, TX 75110 or stop by our offices at 2200 W. 4th Ave.

If you have questions, please call 903-602-8133.

The cost to fund the bench is approximately $2000.00.  If the total amount donated is less than the cost of the bench, CEF will work with the Morrison family to designate an alternative memorial in Bryson's honor.

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Holly Scoggins
2510 days ago
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