RMHS Girls' Basketball Pledge Drive

Our goal as a Girls' Basketball Program is to make a positive contribution to our community, while raising awareness and money for our program.  During the fall and winter, my teammates and I will each perform a minimum of 5 hours of community service in Arlington Heights/Rolling Meadows through volunteering at the Special Olympics Holiday Basketball Tournament.  Your donation of any amount will help us foster a place for positive team building, a sense of worth, friendship, competition and volunteerism.

$3,835.00 donated
$8,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 31, 2017 Campaign ended on December 31, 2017


Our basketball program is currently conducting a pledge drive.  

I would sincerely appreciate it if you would sponsor me in this pledge drive.  Our goal is to make a positive contribution to our community while raising awareness and money for our program.  Please help us continue to develop a quality girls’ basketball program at Rolling Meadows High School. We are looking to continue a tradition at Rolling Meadows that will last for years to come.  Your donation of any amount will help us foster a place for positive team building, a sense of worth, friendship, competition, and volunteerism.  

The PLEDGE DRIVE WILL BE AS FOLLOWS:  During the fall and winter, my teammates and I will each perform a minimum of 5 hours of community service in Arlington Heights/Rolling Meadows. The entire program will volunteer at the Special Olympics Holiday Basketball Tournament. Your pledge will be in the amount of a flat donation.

The funds raised help cover many costs fully and reduce other costs to our players and families, which ultimately help to strengthen and enhance our program.  
Examples of how funds are used include
- Supplement cost of team outings, activities and program night 
- Supplement cost of program apparel including items such as practice jerseys, shoes, bags, travel suits, winter caps, program t-shirts. 
- Supplement cost of attending annual college team camps over the summer (University of Illinois  summer camp 2017)
-Supplement the cost of other summer tournaments and summer leagues

Thank you again for your continued support!

Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to spread the word and help us reach our goal.

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No. of Campaigns (3)
Nancy Conlin
2673 days ago
Anne Strauss
2673 days ago
Greg & Deb Paddack

Great Cause

2673 days ago
Marianne Anderson

I am giving to support the hard work of the young ladies and coaches of Rolling Meadows Girls Basketball program

2674 days ago
Kelly Jensen
2675 days ago
2676 days ago
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