Midway FFA CDE Sponsorship Drive

As many of you may know the spring is a busy time for Midway FFA! We would love your support in helping fund our Career Development Event travel and registration costs. 

Project by: Midway FFA


Cara Jones

Jan 29, 7:52am

Charles Evans

Jan 28, 4:44pm

For our grandson

Molly Sanders

Jan 28, 10:51am

Cara Fisher

Jan 28, 8:38am

Rusty Andrews

Jan 27, 3:50pm

John White

Jan 27, 2:55pm

Eliana is the most awesome young women on the planet.

Bradley Morgan

Jan 27, 10:01am

Sandra Steenbergen

Jan 25, 11:31am

I’m proud of you, Chloe. I look forward to hearing about your Floriculture adventures.

Fran Kroll

Jan 24, 8:27pm

I am proud to donate on behalf of my granddaughter and all of the dedicated kids who are looking ahead to their futures by working hard and smart in the present.

Peggy Cunningham

Jan 24, 5:58pm



13 backers

Bronze Sponsor

$10.00 will cover the registration fee for 1 member in 1 contest.


16 backers

Silver Sponsor

$40.00 will cover the registration fee for 1 team for 1 contest.


10 backers

Gold Sponsor

$100 will cover 1 hotel room for spring travel!