Midway FFA CDE Sponsorship Drive

As many of you may know the spring is a busy time for Midway FFA! We would love your support in helping fund our Career Development Event travel and registration costs. 

Project by: Midway FFA


Sherrie Bourgoyne

Feb 03, 4:06pm

I love and support my niece and FFA


Feb 03, 7:35am

Lindsay Toups

Feb 03, 6:46am

Katy Evans

Feb 02, 10:51am

Terry Ridge

Feb 01, 12:23pm

John & Patsy Duty

Feb 01, 9:43am

Sharon Ridge

Jan 31, 4:04pm

Merlyn Denkers

Jan 30, 8:56am

Anything to do with my grand daughters education I am in.


Jan 30, 8:33am

Fred Boyer

Jan 29, 8:16pm

For my Grandson



13 backers

Bronze Sponsor

$10.00 will cover the registration fee for 1 member in 1 contest.


16 backers

Silver Sponsor

$40.00 will cover the registration fee for 1 team for 1 contest.


10 backers

Gold Sponsor

$100 will cover 1 hotel room for spring travel!