Midway FFA CDE Sponsorship Drive

As many of you may know the spring is a busy time for Midway FFA! We would love your support in helping fund our Career Development Event travel and registration costs. 

Project by: Midway FFA


Tonya Neal

Feb 07, 8:18pm

Cheryl Bell

Feb 07, 7:24pm

To support Savannah!!

Teresa Stadelman

Feb 07, 6:10pm

My grand daughter Elizabeth is a beautiful and dedicated young lady. She plans to devote her considerable talents and abilities to the service of animals. With this small gift I want to support that noble vocation! Elizabeth will make a big difference in the world someday soon. I love you Lizzie.

Dwayne Young

Feb 07, 4:28pm

Dianna Wallace

Feb 07, 1:49pm

Sarah Kruse

Feb 07, 10:13am

Mary Richardson

Feb 07, 8:21am


Feb 06, 8:17pm

Emily Anderson

Feb 06, 3:11pm

Sylvia Littlefield

Feb 06, 1:36pm



13 backers

Bronze Sponsor

$10.00 will cover the registration fee for 1 member in 1 contest.


16 backers

Silver Sponsor

$40.00 will cover the registration fee for 1 team for 1 contest.


10 backers

Gold Sponsor

$100 will cover 1 hotel room for spring travel!